
Enslaved Brotherhood Guestbook

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10 entries.
Met you guys on a ride to take a kiddo to prom. Proper bunch of gents and you ride like the wind.
Luke woods
We buried our bother and friend a few days. We took him on a final ride around the village he lived in then escorted him to his final resting place. 4 riders from Enslaved MC turned up and then took over outriding duties, blocking roads so his Triumph Rocket Hearse and cavalcade of honour would not be interrupted. It’s a serious task and takes courage and skill to block junctions and cried fast to the next. For certain you guys went beyond the call of honour. Respect 🇬🇧
Mark F
My son was killed 3 years ago this week by a blind motorist. These fabulous guys were good enough to show up and ride at his funeral. Massive respect and forever great full.
Little john
Great club with a great bunch of lads! SYLO!!
Chris Ravens MCC
Great party on Saturday, we always get a warm welcome at your clubhouse. Respect to the Enslaved. Chris Ravens MCC
Razz Enslaved
See you on the road boys!
Jimmy Sheen
As a support club should be, well organsed great clubhouse LL&R.
Mac Person
Scary looking lot till ya know them but in all honesty just a great club.
Chuck Sylo
Had the pleasure of meeting these guys along the road very friendly and well organised club..
Bill C
What a great bunch of bikers, had a blast at one of thier parties..